
Where Do You Register Your Land In Sabinopolis Mg Brasil

Guide to State of Minas Gerais family history and genealogy: nascence records, matrimony records, death records, census records, family history, and military records.

Minas Gerais Wiki Topics

Brazil flag

Commencement Research
  • Research Strategies
  • Tape Finder
  • Finding Boondocks of Origin
Tape Types
  • Cemeteries
  • Census
  • Church Directories
  • Church Records
  • Civil Registration
  • Colonial Records
  • Courtroom Records
  • Emigration & Immigration
  • Genealogy
  • Jewish Records
  • Heraldry
  • State & Holding
  • Military Records
  • Dignity
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  • Taxation
Brazil Background
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  • Church History
  • Encyclopedias & Dictionaries
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  • Historical Geography
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  • Names, Personal
  • Occupations
  • Portuguese Genealogical Word List
  • Social Life & Customs
  • Minorities
  • Native Races
Local Research Resources
  • Archives & Libraries of Minas Gerais
  • Athenaeum & Libraries of Brazil
  • Societies of Minas Gerais
  • Societies of Brazil
  • Family unit History Centers
The FamilySearch moderator for Brazil is Giuseppe Martinengo

About of your genealogical research for Minas Gerais will exist in two master record types: civil registration (registros civis) and church records (registros da igreja). This article will teach you methods for locating and searching these 2 record groups.

History [edit | edit source]

Prior to 1720, Minas Gerais was part of the captaincy of São Vicente. The get-go capital of Minas Gerais, and seat of the local come across, was the metropolis of Mariana; information technology was later moved to Vila Rica. In the late 18th century, Vila Rica was the largest city in Brazil and i of the most populous in America.
During the 18th century, mining exploration was strongly controlled by the Portuguese Crown, which imposed heavy taxes on everything extracted. Several rebellions were attempted by the colonists, e'er facing strong reaction by the royal crown. The nigh notable rebellion, however, was the Inconfidência, started in 1789 by group of eye-class colonists, mostly intellectuals and immature officers. They were inspired past the American and French ethics. The conspiracy failed and the rebels were arrested and exiled.
In the economic history of Brazil, Minas Gerais plays a pivotal role in shifting the economic axis from the Brazilian northeast, based on sugarcane, that started declining in the 18th century. The large amounts of gold establish in the region attracted the attention of Portugal dorsum to Brazil, progressively turning Rio de Janeiro into an important port metropolis, from where these would be shipped to Portugal and where the Portuguese crown would eventually move its administration in 1808 after Napoleon Bonaparte'southward invasion of Portugal.

Municipalities [edit | edit source]

  • Abadia dos Dourados
  • Abaeté
  • Abre Campo
  • Acaiaca
  • Açucena
  • Água Boa
  • Água Comprida
  • Aguanil
  • Águas Formosas
  • Águas Vermelhas
  • Aimorés
  • Aiuruoca
  • Alagoa
  • Albertina
  • Além Paraíba
  • Alfenas
  • Alfredo Vasconcelos
  • Almenara
  • Alpercata
  • Alpinópolis
  • Alterosa
  • Alto Caparaó
  • Alto Jequitibá
  • Alto Rio Doce
  • Alvarenga
  • Alvinópolis
  • Alvorada de Minas
  • Amparo do Serra
  • Andradas
  • Andrelândia
  • Angelândia
  • Antônio Carlos
  • Antônio Dias
  • Antônio Prado de Minas
  • Araçaí
  • Aracitaba
  • Araçuaí
  • Araguari
  • Arantina
  • Araponga
  • Araporã
  • Arapuá
  • Araújos
  • Araxá
  • Arceburgo
  • Arcos
  • Areado
  • Argirita
  • Aricanduva
  • Arinos
  • Astolfo Dutra
  • Ataléia
  • Augusto de Lima
  • Baependi
  • Baldim
  • Bambuí
  • Bandeira practise Sul
  • Bandeira
  • Barão de Cocais
  • Barão de Monte Alto
  • Barbacena
  • Barra Longa
  • Barroso
  • Bela Vista de Minas
  • Belmiro Braga
  • Belo Horizonte
  • Belo Oriente
  • Belo Vale
  • Berilo
  • Berizal
  • Bertópolis
  • Betim
  • Bias Fortes
  • Bicas
  • Biquinhas
  • Boa Esperança
  • Bocaina de Minas
  • Bocaiúva
  • Bom Despacho
  • Bom Jardim de Minas
  • Bom Jesus da Penha
  • Bom Jesus do Amparo
  • Bom Jesus do Galho
  • Bom Repouso
  • Bom Sucesso
  • Bonfim
  • Bonfinópolis de Minas
  • Bonito de Minas
  • Borda da Mata
  • Botelhos
  • Botumirim
  • Brás Pires
  • Brasilândia de Minas
  • Brasília de Minas
  • Brasópolis
  • Braúnas
  • Brumadinho
  • Bueno Brandão
  • Buenópolis
  • Bugre
  • Buritis
  • Buritizeiro
  • Cabeceira Grande
  • Cabo Verde
  • Cachoeira da Prata
  • Cachoeira de Minas
  • Cachoeira de Pajeú
  • Cachoeira Dourada
  • Caetanópolis
  • Caeté
  • Caiana
  • Cajuri
  • Caldas
  • Camacho
  • Camanducaia
  • Cambuí
  • Cambuquira
  • Campanário
  • Campanha
  • Campestre
  • Campina Verde
  • Campo Azul
  • Campo Belo
  • Campo do Meio
  • Campo Florido
  • Campos Altos
  • Campos Gerais
  • Cana Verde
  • Canaã
  • Canápolis
  • Candeias
  • Cantagalo
  • Caparaó
  • Capela Nova
  • Capelinha
  • Capetinga
  • Capim Branco
  • Capinópolis
  • Capitão Andrade
  • Capitão Enéas
  • Capitólio
  • Caputira
  • Caraí
  • Caranaíba
  • Carandaí
  • Carangola
  • Caratinga
  • Carbonita
  • Careaçu
  • Carlos Chagas
  • Carmésia
  • Carmo da Cachoeira
  • Carmo da Mata
  • Carmo de Minas
  • Carmo do Cajuru
  • Carmo practise Paranaíba
  • Carmo do Rio Claro
  • Carmópolis de Minas
  • Carneirinho
  • Carrancas
  • Carvalhópolis
  • Carvalhos
  • Casa Grande
  • Cascalho Rico
  • Cássia
  • Cataguases
  • Catas Altas da Noruega
  • Catas Altas
  • Catuji
  • Catuti
  • Caxambu
  • Cedro do Abaeté
  • Central de Minas
  • Centralina
  • Chácara
  • Chalé
  • Chapada do Norte
  • Chapada Gaúcha
  • Chiador
  • Cipotânea
  • Claraval
  • Claro dos Poções
  • Cláudio
  • Coimbra
  • Coluna
  • Comendador Gomes
  • Comercinho
  • Conceição da Aparecida
  • Conceição da Barra de Minas
  • Conceição das Alagoas
  • Conceição das Pedras
  • Conceição de Ipanema
  • Conceição do Mato Dentro
  • Conceição do Pará
  • Conceição do Rio Verde
  • Conceição dos Ouros
  • Cônego Marinho
  • Confins
  • Congonhal
  • Congonhas practice Norte
  • Congonhas
  • Conquista
  • Conselheiro Lafaiete
  • Conselheiro Pena
  • Consolação
  • Contagem
  • Coqueiral
  • Coração de Jesus
  • Cordisburgo
  • Cordislândia
  • Corinto
  • Coroaci
  • Coromandel
  • Coronel Fabriciano
  • Coronel Murta
  • Coronel Pacheco
  • Coronel Xavier Chaves
  • Córrego Danta
  • Córrego exercise Bom Jesus
  • Córrego Fundo
  • Córrego Novo
  • Couto de Magalhães de Minas
  • Crisólita
  • Cristais
  • Cristália
  • Cristiano Otoni
  • Cristina
  • Crucilândia
  • Cruzeiro da Fortaleza
  • Cruzília
  • Cuparaque
  • Curral de Dentro
  • Curvelo
  • Datas
  • Delfim Moreira
  • Delfinópolis
  • Delta
  • Descoberto
  • Desterro de Entre Rios
  • Desterro do Melo
  • Diamantina
  • Diogo de Vasconcelos
  • Dionísio
  • Divinésia
  • Divino das Laranjeiras
  • Divino
  • Divinolândia de Minas
  • Divinópolis
  • Divisa Alegre
  • Divisa Nova
  • Divisópolis
  • Dom Bosco
  • Dom Cavati
  • Dom Joaquim
  • Dom Silvério
  • Dom Viçoso
  • Dona Eusébia
  • Dores de Campos
  • Dores de Guanhães
  • Dores exercise Indaiá
  • Dores practise Turvo
  • Doresópolis
  • Douradoquara
  • Durandé
  • Elói Mendes
  • Engenheiro Caldas
  • Engenheiro Navarro
  • Entre Folhas
  • Entre Rios de Minas
  • Ervália
  • Esmeraldas
  • Espera Feliz
  • Espinosa
  • Espírito Santo exercise Dourado
  • Estiva
  • Estrela Dalva
  • Estrela practise Indaiá
  • Estrela do Sul
  • Eugenópolis
  • Ewbank da Câmara
  • Extrema
  • Fama
  • Faria Lemos
  • Felício dos Santos
  • Felisburgo
  • Felixlândia
  • Fernandes Tourinho
  • Ferros
  • Fervedouro
  • Florestal
  • Formiga
  • Formoso
  • Fortaleza de Minas
  • Fortuna de Minas
  • Francisco Badaró
  • Francisco Dumont
  • Francisco Sá
  • Franciscópolis
  • Frei Gaspar
  • Frei Inocêncio
  • Frei Lagonegro
  • Fronteira dos Vales
  • Fronteira
  • Fruta de Leite
  • Frutal
  • Funilândia
  • Galiléia
  • Gameleiras
  • Glaucilândia
  • Goiabeira
  • Goianá
  • Gonçalves
  • Gonzaga
  • Gouveia
  • Governador Valadares
  • Grão Mogol
  • Grupiara
  • Guanhães
  • Guapé
  • Guaraciaba
  • Guaraciama
  • Guaranésia
  • Guarani
  • Guarará
  • Guarda-Mor
  • Guaxupé
  • Guidoval
  • Guimarânia
  • Guiricema
  • Gurinhatã
  • Heliodora
  • Iapu
  • Ibertioga
  • Ibiá
  • Ibiaí
  • Ibiracatu
  • Ibiraci
  • Ibirité
  • Ibitiúra de Minas
  • Ibituruna
  • Icaraí de Minas
  • Igarapé
  • Igaratinga
  • Iguatama
  • Ijaci
  • Ilicínea
  • Imbé de Minas
  • Inconfidentes
  • Indaiabira
  • Indianópolis
  • Ingaí
  • Inhapim
  • Inhaúma
  • Inimutaba
  • Ipaba
  • Ipanema
  • Ipatinga
  • Ipiaçu
  • Ipuiúna
  • Iraí de Minas
  • Itabira
  • Itabirinha
  • Itabirito
  • Itacambira
  • Itacarambi
  • Itaguara
  • Itaipé
  • Itajubá
  • Itamarandiba
  • Itamarati de Minas
  • Itambacuri
  • Itambé exercise Mato Dentro
  • Itamogi
  • Itamonte
  • Itanhandu
  • Itanhomi
  • Itaobim
  • Itapagipe
  • Itapecerica
  • Itapeva
  • Itatiaiuçu
  • Itaú de Minas
  • Itaúna
  • Itaverava
  • Itinga
  • Itueta
  • Ituiutaba
  • Itumirim
  • Iturama
  • Itutinga
  • Jaboticatubas
  • Jacinto
  • Jacuí
  • Jacutinga
  • Jaguaraçu
  • Jaíba
  • Jampruca
  • Janaúba
  • Januária
  • Japaraíba
  • Japonvar
  • Jeceaba
  • Jenipapo de Minas
  • Jequeri
  • Jequitaí
  • Jequitibá
  • Jequitinhonha
  • Jesuânia
  • Joaíma
  • Joanésia
  • João Monlevade
  • João Pinheiro
  • Joaquim Felício
  • Jordânia
  • José Gonçalves de Minas
  • José Raydan
  • Josenópolis
  • Juatuba
  • Juiz de Fora
  • Juramento
  • Juruaia
  • Juvenília
  • Ladainha
  • Lagamar
  • Lagoa da Prata
  • Lagoa dos Patos
  • Lagoa Dourada
  • Lagoa Formosa
  • Lagoa Grande
  • Lagoa Santa
  • Lajinha
  • Lambari
  • Lamim
  • Laranjal
  • Lassance
  • Lavras
  • Leandro Ferreira
  • Leme practice Prato
  • Leopoldina
  • Liberdade
  • Lima Duarte
  • Limeira do Oeste
  • Lontra
  • Luisburgo
  • Luislândia
  • Luminárias
  • Luz
  • Machacalis
  • Machado
  • Madre de Deus de Minas
  • Malacacheta
  • Mamonas
  • Manga
  • Manhuaçu
  • Manhumirim
  • Mantena
  • Mar de Espanha
  • Maravilhas
  • Maria da Fé
  • Mariana
  • Marilac
  • Mário Campos
  • Maripá de Minas
  • Marliéria
  • Marmelópolis
  • Martinho Campos
  • Martins Soares
  • Mata Verde
  • Materlândia
  • Mateus Leme
  • Mathias Lobato
  • Matias Barbosa
  • Matias Cardoso
  • Matipó
  • Mato Verde
  • Matozinhos
  • Matutina
  • Medeiros
  • Medina
  • Mendes Pimentel
  • Mercês
  • Mesquita
  • Minas Novas
  • Minduri
  • Mirabela
  • Miradouro
  • Miraí
  • Miravânia
  • Moeda
  • Moema
  • Monjolos
  • Monsenhor Paulo
  • Montalvânia
  • Monte Alegre de Minas
  • Monte Azul
  • Monte Belo
  • Monte Carmelo
  • Monte Formoso
  • Monte Santo de Minas
  • Monte Sião
  • Montes Claros
  • Montezuma
  • Morada Nova de Minas
  • Morro da Garça
  • Morro exercise Pilar
  • Munhoz
  • Muriaé
  • Mutum
  • Muzambinho
  • Nacip Raydan
  • Nanuque
  • Naque
  • Natalândia
  • Natércia
  • Nazareno
  • Nepomuceno
  • Ninheira
  • Nova Belém
  • Nova Era
  • Nova Lima
  • Nova Módica
  • Nova Ponte
  • Nova Porteirinha
  • Nova Resende
  • Nova Serrana
  • Nova União
  • Novo Cruzeiro
  • Novo Oriente de Minas
  • Novorizonte
  • Olaria
  • Olhos-d'Água
  • Olímpio Noronha
  • Oliveira Fortes
  • Oliveira
  • Onça de Pitangui
  • Oratórios
  • Orizânia
  • Ouro Branco
  • Ouro Fino
  • Ouro Preto
  • Ouro Verde de Minas
  • Padre Carvalho
  • Padre Paraíso
  • Pai Pedro
  • Paineiras
  • Pains
  • Paiva
  • Palma
  • Palmópolis
  • Papagaios
  • Pará de Minas
  • Paracatu
  • Paraguaçu
  • Paraisópolis
  • Paraopeba
  • Passa Quatro
  • Passa Tempo
  • Passabém
  • Passa-Vinte
  • Passos
  • Patis
  • Patos de Minas
  • Patrocínio exercise Muriaé
  • Patrocínio
  • Paula Cândido
  • Paulistas
  • Pavão
  • Peçanha
  • Pedra Azul
  • Pedra Bonita
  • Pedra do Anta
  • Pedra do Indaiá
  • Pedra Dourada
  • Pedralva
  • Pedras de Maria da Cruz
  • Pedrinópolis
  • Pedro Leopoldo
  • Pedro Teixeira
  • Pequeri
  • Pequi
  • Perdigão
  • Perdizes
  • Perdões
  • Periquito
  • Pescador
  • Piau
  • Piedade de Caratinga
  • Piedade de Ponte Nova
  • Piedade do Rio Grande
  • Piedade dos Gerais
  • Pimenta
  • Pingo-d'Água
  • Pintópolis
  • Piracema
  • Pirajuba
  • Piranga
  • Piranguçu
  • Piranguinho
  • Pirapetinga
  • Pirapora
  • Piraúba
  • Pitangui
  • Piumhi
  • Planura
  • Poço Fundo
  • Poços de Caldas
  • Pocrane

  • Pompéu
  • Ponte Nova
  • Ponto Chique
  • Ponto dos Volantes
  • Porteirinha
  • Porto Firme
  • Poté
  • Pouso Alegre
  • Pouso Alto
  • Prados
  • Prata
  • Pratápolis
  • Pratinha
  • Presidente Bernardes
  • Presidente Juscelino
  • Presidente Kubitschek
  • Presidente Olegário
  • Prudente de Morais
  • Quartel Geral
  • Queluzito
  • Raposos
  • Raul Soares
  • Recreio
  • Reduto
  • Resende Costa
  • Resplendor
  • Ressaquinha
  • Riachinho
  • Riacho dos Machados
  • Ribeirão das Neves
  • Ribeirão Vermelho
  • Rio Acima
  • Rio Casca
  • Rio exercise Prado
  • Rio Doce
  • Rio Espera
  • Rio Manso
  • Rio Novo
  • Rio Paranaíba
  • Rio Pardo de Minas
  • Rio Piracicaba
  • Rio Pomba
  • Rio Preto
  • Rio Vermelho
  • Ritápolis
  • Rochedo de Minas
  • Rodeiro
  • Romaria
  • Rosário da Limeira
  • Rubelita
  • Rubim
  • Sabará
  • Sabinópolis
  • Sacramento
  • Salinas
  • Salto da Divisa
  • Santa Bárbara do Leste
  • Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde
  • Santa Bárbara practice Tugúrio
  • Santa Bárbara
  • Santa Cruz de Minas
  • Santa Cruz de Salinas
  • Santa Cruz practise Escalvado
  • Santa Efigênia de Minas
  • Santa Fé de Minas
  • Santa Helena de Minas
  • Santa Juliana
  • Santa Luzia
  • Santa Margarida
  • Santa Maria de Itabira
  • Santa Maria practise Salto
  • Santa Maria practise Suaçuí
  • Santa Rita de Caldas
  • Santa Rita de Ibitipoca
  • Santa Rita de Jacutinga
  • Santa Rita de Minas
  • Santa Rita exercise Itueto
  • Santa Rita do Sapucaí
  • Santa Rosa da Serra
  • Santa Vitória
  • Santana da Vargem
  • Santana de Cataguases
  • Santana de Pirapama
  • Santana do Deserto
  • Santana do Garambéu
  • Santana exercise Jacaré
  • Santana do Manhuaçu
  • Santana practise Paraíso
  • Santana practice Riacho
  • Santana dos Montes
  • Santo Antônio do Amparo
  • Santo Antônio do Aventureiro
  • Santo Antônio do Grama
  • Santo Antônio exercise Itambé
  • Santo Antônio do Jacinto
  • Santo Antônio practise Monte
  • Santo Antônio do Retiro
  • Santo Antônio practise Rio Abaixo
  • Santo Hipólito
  • Santos Dumont
  • São Bento Abade
  • São Brás practice Suaçuí
  • São Domingos das Dores
  • São Domingos practise Prata
  • São Félix de Minas
  • São Francisco de Paula
  • São Francisco de Sales
  • São Francisco practise Glória
  • São Francisco
  • São Geraldo da Piedade
  • São Geraldo practise Baixio
  • São Geraldo
  • São Gonçalo practise Abaeté
  • São Gonçalo do Pará
  • São Gonçalo practice Rio Abaixo
  • São Gonçalo do Rio Preto
  • São Gonçalo practice Sapucaí
  • São Gotardo
  • São João Batista exercise Glória
  • São João da Lagoa
  • São João da Mata
  • São João da Ponte
  • São João das Missões
  • São João del Rei
  • São João exercise Manhuaçu
  • São João practice Manteninha
  • São João do Oriente
  • São João practise Pacuí
  • São João do Paraíso
  • São João Evangelista
  • São João Nepomuceno
  • São Joaquim de Bicas
  • São José da Barra
  • São José da Lapa
  • São José da Safira
  • São José da Varginha
  • São José practice Alegre
  • São José do Divino
  • São José practice Goiabal
  • São José do Jacuri
  • São José do Mantimento
  • São Lourenço
  • São Miguel practise Anta
  • São Pedro da União
  • São Pedro do Suaçuí
  • São Pedro dos Ferros
  • São Romão
  • São Roque de Minas
  • São Sebastião da Bela Vista
  • São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre
  • São Sebastião do Anta
  • São Sebastião practice Maranhão
  • São Sebastião practise Oeste
  • São Sebastião do Paraíso
  • São Sebastião practice Rio Preto
  • São Sebastião do Rio Verde
  • São Thomé das Letras
  • São Tiago
  • São Tomás de Aquino
  • São Vicente de Minas
  • Sapucaí-Mirim
  • Sardoá
  • Sarzedo
  • Sem-Peixe
  • Senador Amaral
  • Senador Cortes
  • Senador Firmino
  • Senador José Bento
  • Senador Modestino Gonçalves
  • Senhora de Oliveira
  • Senhora do Porto
  • Senhora dos Remédios
  • Sericita
  • Seritinga
  • Serra Azul de Minas
  • Serra da Saudade
  • Serra do Salitre
  • Serra dos Aimorés
  • Serrania
  • Serranópolis de Minas
  • Serranos
  • Serro
  • Sete Lagoas
  • Setubinha
  • Silveirânia
  • Silvianópolis
  • Simão Pereira
  • Simonésia
  • Sobrália
  • Soledade de Minas
  • Tabuleiro
  • Taiobeiras
  • Taparuba
  • Tapira
  • Tapiraí
  • Taquaraçu de Minas
  • Tarumirim
  • Teixeiras
  • Teófilo Otoni
  • Timóteo
  • Tiradentes
  • Tiros
  • Tocantins
  • Tocos do Moji
  • Toledo
  • Tombos
  • Três Corações
  • Três Marias
  • Três Pontas
  • Tumiritinga
  • Tupaciguara
  • Turmalina
  • Turvolândia
  • Ubá
  • Ubaí
  • Ubaporanga
  • Uberaba
  • Uberlândia
  • Umburatiba
  • Unaí
  • União de Minas
  • Uruana de Minas
  • Urucânia
  • Urucuia
  • Vargem Alegre
  • Vargem Bonita
  • Vargem Grande exercise Rio Pardo
  • Varginha
  • Varjão de Minas
  • Várzea da Palma
  • Varzelândia
  • Vazante
  • Verdelândia
  • Veredinha
  • Veríssimo
  • Vermelho Novo
  • Vespasiano
  • Viçosa
  • Vieiras
  • Virgem da Lapa
  • Virgínia
  • Virginópolis
  • Virgolândia
  • Visconde do Rio Branco
  • Volta Grande
  • Wenceslau Braz

Civil Registration (Registros civis) [edit | edit source]

Civil registration records (Registros civis) are government records covering birth, union, and death. They are an first-class source of names, dates, places, and relationships.

In 1850, a law was passed requiring registration of births and deaths throughout the country. Until 1870, the Catholic Church was required to continue this tape. After 1870, these records were to be kept by the justices of the peace. Since 1827, the government has accustomed marriages performed in the Catholic Church as official marriages.

Civil registration records are kept on a municipal level by local civil registration offices. Records are later sent on to a municipal, district, or delegation office. People from minor villages oftentimes reported their births, marriages, and deaths to a nearby fundamental municipality function. Many towns in Brazil are very new. If you do not find records for the city you demand, y'all will need to determine when the city was founded and from which older city it was created (try a Google search). Origins of cities are too given in the reference book, Cidades e vilas 1998, which can be consulted online from a Family History Center computer.

1. Online Digital Records for Civil Registration [edit | edit source]

  • 1879-1949 Brazil, Minas Gerais, Ceremonious Registration, 1879-1949 at FamilySearch - How to Utilize this Collection; index & images

For localities several in Brazil, ceremonious registration records have been filmed, and digitized online copies of the records are available through FamilySearch Historical Records. Filming continues and more records are added as they become available. Until records become available for Minas Gerais, research should rely mostly on church records and on writing for civil registration certificates. The majority of birth, marriage, and death events would exist recorded both in civil and in church records.

  • Brazil, Minas Gerais, Civil Registration, 1879-1949, alphabetize.

2. Writing for Civil Registration Certificates [edit | edit source]

It is possible to obtain civil registration records by writing to the local civil registry in the municipality. Civil officials will more often than not reply correspondence in Portuguese. Your request may exist forwarded if the records take been sent to state athenaeum. This method is non always reliable. Officials might or might not respond. Using available church records is appropriate first.

  • Listing of municipalities in Minas Gerais.

Write a cursory request in Portuguese to the proper office using this accost every bit guide replacing the information in parentheses:

Cartório de Registro Civil
(postal code), (municipality), Minas Gerais
  • Discover the Brazilian postal code here.

Transport the following:

  • Money for the search fee, usually $10.00
  • Full name and the sex activity of the ancestor sought
  • Names of the ancestor'southward parents, if known
  • Gauge date and place of the event
  • Your human relationship to the ancestor
  • Reason for the asking (family history, medical, and so on)
  • Asking for a photocopy of the consummate original tape

Write your request in Portuguese whenever possible. For writing your letter of the alphabet in Portuguese, use the translated questions and phrases in this Portuguese Letter-writing Guide.

Church Records (registros da igreja) [edit | edit source]

The vast majority of Brazilians were Catholic and were registered in entries for baptisms, marriages, deaths, and burials in the local church building records. Often two and sometimes 3 generations are indicated in the registers, with personal data on the family unit. Church records are the main source prior to 1850, when civil registration began. Subsequently this date i should search in both church building and civil records, since there may exist information in one record that does not announced in the other. For instance, the church building records may only list the godparents, while the civil records may list the grandparents.

1. Online Digital Records for Church Records [edit | edit source]

For some localities, digital copies of Catholic church records tin can be searched online:

  • 1706-1999 - Brazil, Minas Gerais, Catholic Church Records, 1706-1999 at FamilySearch — How to Use this Collection; index & images

Batismos are infant baptisms, which are used for birth information. Matrimônios' are marriages. "Óbitos" are deaths. "Índice" is the index.

2. Microfilm Copies of Church Records in the FamilySearch Catalog [edit | edit source]

If the locality and time period yous need are not included in the online records, the adjacent step is to find them in the microfilm collection of the Family History Library. Currently, they are being digitized, and plans are to consummate that project past 2020. Bank check back occasionally to see if your records accept become available. In the meantime, some of them might exist available at a Family History Center near you.
To discover a microfilm:

a. Click on this link to come across a list of records for Brazil, Minas Gerais.
b. Click on "Places within Brazil, Minas Gerais" and a list of towns and cities will open.
c. Click on the boondocks or city you wish to search.
d. Click on "Church Records" topic. Click on the blue links to specific record titles.
e. Cull the correct effect and time menstruation for your ancestor.
f. Some combination of these icons will appear at the far correct of the microfilm listed for the record. FHL icons.png. Clicking on the magnifying drinking glass will take you to the index. Clicking on the camera will have you to an online digital copy of the microfilm.

three. Writing to a Catholic Priest for Church Records [edit | edit source]

Baptism, marriage, and expiry records may be searched past contacting or visiting local parish or diocese athenaeum in Brazil. Brazil has no single repository of church records. Write your request in Portuguese whenever possible. This method is not always reliable. Officials might or might non respond.

  • Find the address for the parish church building your ancestors used: The Cosmic Directory, Brazil.

Write a brief asking in Portuguese to the proper church building using this accost equally guide replacing the information in parentheses:

Reverendo Pároco
Paróquia de (name of parish)
(postal code), (municipality), Minas Gerais
  • Find the Brazilian postal code here.

When requesting information, ship the post-obit:

  • Money for the search fee, normally $10.00
  • Full proper name and the sexual activity of the ancestor sought
  • Names of the ancestor's parents, if known
  • Estimate date and identify of the outcome
  • Your relationship to the ancestor
  • Reason for the request (family history, medical, and so on)
  • Asking for a photocopy of the consummate original record

Write your request in Portuguese whenever possible. For writing your alphabetic character in Portuguese, use the translated questions and phrases in this Portuguese Letter-writing Guide.

Reading the Records [edit | edit source]

  • You do not have to be fluent in Portuguese to read your documents. Genealogical records usually contain a limited vocabulary. Use this Portuguese Genealogical Word Listing to interpret the important points in the certificate.
  • To larn how to read Portuguese records, study the The Portuguese Script Tutorial.
  • Reading aids are samples of typical records with translations of key words provided.
    • Reading Aid for Brazilian Birth Certificates
    • Reading Aid for Brazilian Spousal relationship Certificates
    • Reading Aid for Brazilian Death Certificates

Tips for finding your antecedent in the records [edit | edit source]

  • Births were ordinarily reported within a few days of the birth by the begetter of the child, a neighbor, or the midwife. A search for a nascence tape should begin with the known appointment of birth then searching frontwards in time, day past day, until the record is found. It might exist constitute within a few days of the bodily nativity date, simply in some instances, it might exist weeks or months after.
  • In the larger cities of Brazil such equally Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, or others, at that place are several registration offices located throughout the city. If you lot know in which part of the city your ancestor lived, you should begin your search in the records of the office nearest their domicile. If you do not know, you will need to search part by part.
  • Some civil registration books have indexes in the front end or dorsum of them. These indexes are often past the given proper name of the child. Yous may take to cheque every entry in the alphabetize if your ancestor had more one given name.
  • Marriages typically took identify in the hometown of the bride.
  • Death records can be particularly helpful for people who may not take had a civil birth or wedlock record but died during the period when civil registration had begun.

Search Strategy [edit | edit source]

  • Search for the relative or antecedent you selected. When you find his birth record, search for the births of his brothers and sisters.
  • Next, search for the marriage of his parents. The matrimony record will have information that volition often help you lot detect the nativity records of the parents.
  • You can estimate the ages of the parents and determine a birth year to search for their nascence records.
  • Search the decease registers for all known family unit members.
  • Repeat this process for both the father and the mother, starting with their birth records, then their siblings' births, and then their parents' marriages, and and so on.
  • If earlier generations (parents, grandparents, etc.) practise not appear in the records, search neighboring parishes.

Other Resources [edit | edit source]

Terra Santo Cemierio Parque, Sabara Cemetery website, with contact information. In Portuguese.

The Arquivo Publico Mineiro has an online drove

Where Do You Register Your Land In Sabinopolis Mg Brasil,


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